I am proud to present my accomplishments in various data science competitions hosted on the Zindi platform. These competitions have challenged me to apply my skills and knowledge to real-world problems and have helped me grow as a data scientist. Through these competitions, I have been able to demonstrate my versatility in tackling a diverse range of problems, from predicting football match outcomes to detecting antibiotic resistance genes. My hard work and dedication have paid off, as I have ranked among the top participants in some of these competitions. For instance, I ranked 2nd out of 172 participants in the Landslide Prevention and Innovation Challenge and 5th out of 115 participants in the Antibiotic Resistance Detector Challenge. These achievements have inspired me to continue participating in more competitions and have reinforced my passion for data science.

  • Zindi profile:
  • Antibiotic Resistance Detector Challenge :
  • Landslide Prevention and Innovation Challenge :
  • Next-Gen WiFi Throughput Prediction Challenge: